It occurred to me today, as I was drinking my morning coffee and watching news stories on NBC, that many of us live our lives with an entitlement mentality. We have a tendency to expect things to be given to use without effort or investment. We think that we are owed all the comforts of the world, and if others have more than we have, that they should give it to us, not because they want to, but because we have a right to it. We demand that we are given exactly what we want, even at the expense of another, and if we don't get what we want we throw a tantrum.
Perhaps we should all look at the world in a different way. Perhaps we should start with an attitude of gratefulness for the things that we have earned, and admire the people that have earned more than ourselves. We should not expect things to be given to us just because we exist, but things should come to us through hard work and dedication. If we become grateful and count our blessings, our lives will be much more rich and we will be more likely to bless someone less fortunate with the talents and things that we have earned.
With all of this in mind, I want to express my gratitude to the team at Warren Woods Veterinary Hospital for their Open House efforts last weekend. They volunteered their time and opened the hospital to our clients and friends in order to raise money for two charities; Pets for Veterans, and The K-9 Police Dog Fund. The efforts of the WWVH team, donating their time and energy to run this annual Photos with Santa and Open House is a joy to see.
Thank you to the Warren Woods Veterinary Hospital Team for their efforts towards the Open House and each day to enrich the lives of our clients and their pets.
If you want to see the photos from the Open House, visit our Face book page here.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from myself and the WWVH Team!
Sunday, December 13, 2015
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Oh No! Fleas?
Autumn in Michigan is all about cooler weather, football games, apple picking and cider mills, but did you know that fall is the season that fleas are at their worst? They have been spending the summer building up their numbers so in the fall, they are out and about in full force. They have been hitching rides on all of the wildlife in your backyard just waiting to jump on your pet, or on your pant leg to get a ride into the house for the winter. Fleas can each live for up to 3 months and the females will lay as many as 2000 eggs. The fleas you actually see on your pet are just the beginning. Fleas hid in your carpet, baseboards, bedding, and furniture. Ninty-five percent of a home's flea infestation is not visable on the pet, they are in the environment. Disgusting!
When fleas infest your pet, he or she will show symptoms such as scratching, rubbing, licking or chewing, and sometimes you will see skin irritation and rashes. If your pet has an allergy to flea saliva, just one bite from a flea will cause intense itching and misery for them. In addition to causing itching and scratching, fleas can act as a vector for diseases such as tapeworm, and even something as scary as bubonic plague.

Preventing fleas is much easier than treating them once they have moved into your home. Prevention can be achieved by using a monthly flea preventative such as Frontline Plus, Nexgard or Revolution. Call Warren Woods Veterinary Hospital at 586-751-3350 for more information on fleas and flea prevention.
When fleas infest your pet, he or she will show symptoms such as scratching, rubbing, licking or chewing, and sometimes you will see skin irritation and rashes. If your pet has an allergy to flea saliva, just one bite from a flea will cause intense itching and misery for them. In addition to causing itching and scratching, fleas can act as a vector for diseases such as tapeworm, and even something as scary as bubonic plague.

Preventing fleas is much easier than treating them once they have moved into your home. Prevention can be achieved by using a monthly flea preventative such as Frontline Plus, Nexgard or Revolution. Call Warren Woods Veterinary Hospital at 586-751-3350 for more information on fleas and flea prevention.
Thursday, July 2, 2015
Independence Day - Not your Dog's Holiday
The Independence day holiday is fun and exciting for you and your family. Outdoor cooking, family gatherings, warm summer weather and to top everything off at the end of the day, fireworks. The happy day and the weeks leading up to the fourth, bring fear and panic to many family dogs. The loud fireworks are insulting to the dog's sensitive ears and they do not understand that it is a celebration for their human caregivers. To them it sounds like a war zone. There are some things that you can do to help your pet cope with the holiday.
Don't take your dog to a public fireworks event or party. You may think that your pet wants to be involved in the family celebration however a crowded, hot and noisy event will not be enjoyable to your dog.
Be sure that your dog or cat has proper identification in the event that they escape during the stressful fireworks. A well fitting collar with an ID tag and a microchip should be in place. Also, check the yard and secure the fences and gate so that your pet can not escape if he gets startled. Don't leave your pet outside after dark when the fireworks will be in full display. Try to get them out before hand so that they can stay safely inside during the noise of the celebration. Create a safe place for your pet to hide indoors if they are fearful. A place in the center of the home with a dog bed or crate may make the dog feel safer. Having music or a TV playing in the evenings with the fireworks are booming may help distract from the sounds outside. You can also engage your dog in play to keep their minds off of the sounds outside.
Exercise may help your pet diffuse some of the fear energy that they build up. Take your pet on a long walk in the late afternoon and get them very tired. It will help them cope with the stress of the evening.
If you have a fearful dog, try keeping your pet leashed with you in the house. You may need to contact your veterinarian to see if you can get some calming medication for your particularly skittish pet. Your veterinarian will help you to decide whether your pet needs some form of medication to help them cope with the stress of the day.
Enjoy your 4th of July celebration and remember to consider your pet.
Don't take your dog to a public fireworks event or party. You may think that your pet wants to be involved in the family celebration however a crowded, hot and noisy event will not be enjoyable to your dog.
Be sure that your dog or cat has proper identification in the event that they escape during the stressful fireworks. A well fitting collar with an ID tag and a microchip should be in place. Also, check the yard and secure the fences and gate so that your pet can not escape if he gets startled. Don't leave your pet outside after dark when the fireworks will be in full display. Try to get them out before hand so that they can stay safely inside during the noise of the celebration. Create a safe place for your pet to hide indoors if they are fearful. A place in the center of the home with a dog bed or crate may make the dog feel safer. Having music or a TV playing in the evenings with the fireworks are booming may help distract from the sounds outside. You can also engage your dog in play to keep their minds off of the sounds outside.
Exercise may help your pet diffuse some of the fear energy that they build up. Take your pet on a long walk in the late afternoon and get them very tired. It will help them cope with the stress of the evening.
If you have a fearful dog, try keeping your pet leashed with you in the house. You may need to contact your veterinarian to see if you can get some calming medication for your particularly skittish pet. Your veterinarian will help you to decide whether your pet needs some form of medication to help them cope with the stress of the day.
Enjoy your 4th of July celebration and remember to consider your pet.
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
Hot Dog - Summer in the City
It looks like it is finally summer in Michigan (for a few weeks anyway) and it is time to consider summer hazards that can face your pets. We love the sun, sand and traveling to touristy locations, but there are many negative consequences for our pets if we don't think and act wisely.
Car Rides. Please, please don't take your dog in the car unless you are going to take them immediately out of the car at your destination. Every summer my mother discovers a dog left in a hot car at some shopping center and has to raise a fuss; (and she can raise a fuss) sometimes even getting police involved to save some pup that was left in a hot car. She is the "hot dog" crusader for a good reason. Many dogs (and children) die in hot cars each year. The temperature in a car increases so quickly that only a few moments can create a life or death situation. Also dogs can be forgotten in a car. Place your purse or cell phone in the back of the car with the dog so you do not accidentally forget them.
Sun, heat and humidity. As our temperatures approach 70 degrees or over, your pet may begin to feel overheated, especially if there is exercise involved. When your dog begins to pant he is telling you that his body temperature is increasing. He is trying to "sweat" off the excess heat by panting. Be sure to offer water frequently, seek shade and don't continue to throw the Frisbee or the ball. Dogs will often continue to play in the heat well beyond their limit. Keep the summertime play to either short sessions, or try to do your walking and playing in the evenings when things are cooler.
Sunburn? Yes, some dogs (and cats) will burn if left in the sun too long. Dogs and cats with very short coats or with pink ears or noses will burn more severely than darker skinned pets. They do make doggy sun screen, but better to keep your "pink" pets indoors or in the shade to avoid sunburn.
Parasites. Fleas, ticks, intestinal parasites and mosquitoes love summer and they also love your dog or cat. Be sure to consult your veterinarian to get the safest parasite control products for your pets. They should be protected against internal and external parasites all year long. Nobody wants to cuddle up to a bunch of fleas and ticks running around on their pet. Yuck!
Hot pavement. Remember that your dog does not wear shoes! Well, most dogs don't. (maybe yours does) If your dog prefers to go barefoot, then keep him off the blacktop and cement when the sun is at it's hottest. That asphalt can burn the pads of their feet. Hot sand can also be an issue, so if you can't stand the heat on your feet, your pet probably can't either.
Overeating. We all love a good picnic and so do our dogs. Watch your guests are not feeding your dog from the table or he/she will end up with an upset stomach from the rich and tasty treats.

Enjoy your summer with your family and your furry family, but be sure to think ahead to keep your pets safe from the summer hazards. Call us at Warren Woods Veterinary Hospital if you need any advice from our wonderful doctors and technicians. We are always happy to help. Have a safe and enjoyable summer.
Oh, and please adopt one of our kittens..............
Car Rides. Please, please don't take your dog in the car unless you are going to take them immediately out of the car at your destination. Every summer my mother discovers a dog left in a hot car at some shopping center and has to raise a fuss; (and she can raise a fuss) sometimes even getting police involved to save some pup that was left in a hot car. She is the "hot dog" crusader for a good reason. Many dogs (and children) die in hot cars each year. The temperature in a car increases so quickly that only a few moments can create a life or death situation. Also dogs can be forgotten in a car. Place your purse or cell phone in the back of the car with the dog so you do not accidentally forget them.
Sun, heat and humidity. As our temperatures approach 70 degrees or over, your pet may begin to feel overheated, especially if there is exercise involved. When your dog begins to pant he is telling you that his body temperature is increasing. He is trying to "sweat" off the excess heat by panting. Be sure to offer water frequently, seek shade and don't continue to throw the Frisbee or the ball. Dogs will often continue to play in the heat well beyond their limit. Keep the summertime play to either short sessions, or try to do your walking and playing in the evenings when things are cooler.
Sunburn? Yes, some dogs (and cats) will burn if left in the sun too long. Dogs and cats with very short coats or with pink ears or noses will burn more severely than darker skinned pets. They do make doggy sun screen, but better to keep your "pink" pets indoors or in the shade to avoid sunburn.
Parasites. Fleas, ticks, intestinal parasites and mosquitoes love summer and they also love your dog or cat. Be sure to consult your veterinarian to get the safest parasite control products for your pets. They should be protected against internal and external parasites all year long. Nobody wants to cuddle up to a bunch of fleas and ticks running around on their pet. Yuck!
Hot pavement. Remember that your dog does not wear shoes! Well, most dogs don't. (maybe yours does) If your dog prefers to go barefoot, then keep him off the blacktop and cement when the sun is at it's hottest. That asphalt can burn the pads of their feet. Hot sand can also be an issue, so if you can't stand the heat on your feet, your pet probably can't either.
Overeating. We all love a good picnic and so do our dogs. Watch your guests are not feeding your dog from the table or he/she will end up with an upset stomach from the rich and tasty treats.

Enjoy your summer with your family and your furry family, but be sure to think ahead to keep your pets safe from the summer hazards. Call us at Warren Woods Veterinary Hospital if you need any advice from our wonderful doctors and technicians. We are always happy to help. Have a safe and enjoyable summer.
Oh, and please adopt one of our kittens..............
Sunday, June 7, 2015
4 the Best Detroit....Once again shooting for FIRST
It is here again! WDIV's Click on Detroit, 4 The Best contest.
Each summer the Detroit TV station WDIV holds their "4 The Best, Click on Detroit" contest to choose the best, or most popular businesses in the greater Detroit area. Last year Warren Woods Veterinary Hospital worked hard to accumulate votes asking clients and friends to vote for us in the contest. Warren Woods Veterinary Hospital was happy to be awarded FIRST place in the "Veterinarians" category which included over 100 veterinary hospitals in the metro Detroit area.
The worst thing about winning in 2104 is the pressure to try to hold on to that first place spot for this summer. We asked all of our wonderful clients to vote, comment and vote again, over and over all summer long. We hope that you are all up for this year's challenge as we try to pull off a second win.
Thanks to all of our wonderful clients, friends and Warren Woods Veterinary Hospital team members for making Warren Woods Veterinary Hospital one of the best in Detroit. Also, thank you to WDIV for recognizing small business in the Detroit area with this contest.
Each summer the Detroit TV station WDIV holds their "4 The Best, Click on Detroit" contest to choose the best, or most popular businesses in the greater Detroit area. Last year Warren Woods Veterinary Hospital worked hard to accumulate votes asking clients and friends to vote for us in the contest. Warren Woods Veterinary Hospital was happy to be awarded FIRST place in the "Veterinarians" category which included over 100 veterinary hospitals in the metro Detroit area.
The worst thing about winning in 2104 is the pressure to try to hold on to that first place spot for this summer. We asked all of our wonderful clients to vote, comment and vote again, over and over all summer long. We hope that you are all up for this year's challenge as we try to pull off a second win.
Thanks to all of our wonderful clients, friends and Warren Woods Veterinary Hospital team members for making Warren Woods Veterinary Hospital one of the best in Detroit. Also, thank you to WDIV for recognizing small business in the Detroit area with this contest.
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