Car Rides. Please, please don't take your dog in the car unless you are going to take them immediately out of the car at your destination. Every summer my mother discovers a dog left in a hot car at some shopping center and has to raise a fuss; (and she can raise a fuss) sometimes even getting police involved to save some pup that was left in a hot car. She is the "hot dog" crusader for a good reason. Many dogs (and children) die in hot cars each year. The temperature in a car increases so quickly that only a few moments can create a life or death situation. Also dogs can be forgotten in a car. Place your purse or cell phone in the back of the car with the dog so you do not accidentally forget them.
Sun, heat and humidity. As our temperatures approach 70 degrees or over, your pet may begin to feel overheated, especially if there is exercise involved. When your dog begins to pant he is telling you that his body temperature is increasing. He is trying to "sweat" off the excess heat by panting. Be sure to offer water frequently, seek shade and don't continue to throw the Frisbee or the ball. Dogs will often continue to play in the heat well beyond their limit. Keep the summertime play to either short sessions, or try to do your walking and playing in the evenings when things are cooler.
Sunburn? Yes, some dogs (and cats) will burn if left in the sun too long. Dogs and cats with very short coats or with pink ears or noses will burn more severely than darker skinned pets. They do make doggy sun screen, but better to keep your "pink" pets indoors or in the shade to avoid sunburn.
Parasites. Fleas, ticks, intestinal parasites and mosquitoes love summer and they also love your dog or cat. Be sure to consult your veterinarian to get the safest parasite control products for your pets. They should be protected against internal and external parasites all year long. Nobody wants to cuddle up to a bunch of fleas and ticks running around on their pet. Yuck!
Hot pavement. Remember that your dog does not wear shoes! Well, most dogs don't. (maybe yours does) If your dog prefers to go barefoot, then keep him off the blacktop and cement when the sun is at it's hottest. That asphalt can burn the pads of their feet. Hot sand can also be an issue, so if you can't stand the heat on your feet, your pet probably can't either.
Overeating. We all love a good picnic and so do our dogs. Watch your guests are not feeding your dog from the table or he/she will end up with an upset stomach from the rich and tasty treats.

Enjoy your summer with your family and your furry family, but be sure to think ahead to keep your pets safe from the summer hazards. Call us at Warren Woods Veterinary Hospital if you need any advice from our wonderful doctors and technicians. We are always happy to help. Have a safe and enjoyable summer.
Oh, and please adopt one of our kittens..............