Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Smelly Dog, Smelly Cat - What is happening in your mouth?

Have you ever looked in your pet’s mouth?  No, Really.  Have you?  Perhaps you have seen yellow or brown stains - tartar built up along the gum line. Maybe you have also seen swollen gums or experienced halitosis.  (Yes, smelly doggy or kitty breath).  The swelling and halitosis are signs of periodontal disease and possible infection.  Periodontal disease often causes pain for your pet but they rarely show any symptoms because they are so brave and stoic.  

Maybe your pet is in pain right now.

If you never brushed or flossed your teeth they would be pretty gross right?  Think about how often you brush (let alone -  floss) your pet’s teeth.   Now think about what their mouth must feel like.................. YUCK!

February is the month that veterinarians set aside to educate and inform people about pet’s dental health. Warren Woods Veterinary Hospital is always looking out for your pet’s overall health and longevity.  Proper dental care has been proven to add years to their lives.  Our veterinarians examine your pet's mouth every time they visit and make proper recommendations about professional cleaning and home care.   Some pets will require professional dental cleaning before starting on a home care routine. Proper brushing techniques can be taught by our technicians and/or dental cleaning treats like OraVet Chews can be added to keep a healthy mouth from developing disease. 

Wednesdays in February we will have programs on our Facebook page featuring our Veterinary Technician Dental Specialist, Casey giving a video lessons about oral health examination, dental radiography and professional dental cleaning for your pet.  We will also be adding information on periodontal disease to our Facebook page and website.  Our YouTube channel even has a video of an actual dental procedure featuring my personal dog, Trent.  (he is super cute by the way)

Take a peek in your dog or cat's mouth today then call Warren Woods Veterinary Hospital for a professional oral exam.  

Let's get rid of that smelly breath forever. 

I have listed the links to our Facebook page and YouTube Channel here so you can easily find them: